Now You can see and buy works of Temporary online at my web site. To check visit here !
Agora podem ver e comprar trabalhos do Temporário online no meu web site. Para conferir visitem aqui!

New project "Ornamental" worked in a decorative bottle of "Marinha Grande", a project proposed by the Gallery Ó! .

This week's topic is:

DPÍ Magazine

I have received the magazine's "DPI magazine" that was published a few works of mine. The title is "The Age of European Drawing," and I had the honor of being the representative of my country, "Portugal". It is without doubt the best magazine about illustration I've ever seen, is simply fantastic. I strongly recommend everyone to visit the site and purchase a copy of the magazine to be able to see for himself the superior quality of it.
San Valentine Day Illustrations

Estes e outros trabalhos estão expostos e a venda na galeria Ó!
Galeria Ó ! Rua de Miguel Bombarda 285 Porto
Centro Comercial Bombarda - Espaço Bidonville